Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's Time to get on the Anne Sloan band wagon

I have been looking at so many gorgeous items on other blogs, furniture painted with Anne Sloan paint. I have been eager to try it on a few pieces that need a makeover. I would have tried it by now except for the fact that it is not sold in Kamloops. I have found a few stores about 4 hours away that sell it and i was just contemplating ordering it and having it shipped. Then hubby mentioned that he wants to go to an ATV and hunting show that is going on in Chilliwack this weekend.(I should mention he does not hunt, only with a camera, he wants to check out ATV's) I am an animal lover and hate hunting
 I checked Mapquest and one of the stores is only 45 minutes away from Chilliwack. So this weekend I am going to check out The Passionate Home and buy my first samples of Anne Sloan paint.
The hard part is going to be picking which paint to buy. I am going to get a few sample jars of different colours and I am definetly buying lots of Old White and some Dark Wax. I am almost glad its going to rain or else hubby would want to take the motorcycle. With the car I can stock up on paint and maybe a few more things , just don't tell him, poor boy thinks I am getting 1 can of paint lol

I was trying to figure out how much paint I need, so I made a list of projects and it made me tired just reading it.

I am going to start with these projects, this hall stand has been in my garage for months  

I had originally planned on stripping this down but now I want to paint it with ASCP in old white

I want to paint these with old white and french linen
and reupholster the seats

I am not sure what colour to use on this table, may try a few combinations

I am thinking I might dry brush these chairs so the black will show through

This is just the beginning of the list, I can not believe the amount of pieces that I have lined up to paint. I think I need a spray painter too, oh honey !!!

Will post these pieces as soon as I am finished, next week is going to be hectic.  Maggie is going in for some tests next week, poor lil girl is having hip and knee problems which are common in bulldogs. We are hoping the specialist will have some good news, we are having her spayed while the vet has her sedated. We don't want to breed her now because we do not want her pups to inherit all of her health problems.
We had planned on letting her have one litter so we could keep a pup for her to have a playmate, that was before all of her health problems, which she will pass onto her pups
And the breeder we got her from won't return any of our calls
If you are going to get a pup have your own vet check the puppy out.
All of Maggies health problems were most likely passed to her from her parents and the breeder was probably aware of this

Our poor little girl has had so many health problems, I am so glad she got us as parents,
and not someone else who wouldn't have done as much as we have to give her a better quality of life.

I will also take pics of www.thepassionatehome.com  for those of you who are big fans and have not been able to go there
I am pretty excited about going there and can't wait to see what they have

hope everyone is having a great week


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