Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yard Sale Time is Almost Over

For some people the end of summer means no more boating or cottaging, for me its a sad time because it means no more garage sales. Yesterday I had to go to sears to pick up hubby's birthday present, and I realized I have been in Kamloops a year and this was my first visit to the mall lol. When I shared this information with lady i ended up chatting with at a kiosk, she could not believe in a year that i had never shopped there. That goes to show you how much I shop for myself, for clothes shoes etc. my junk finds and my furniture buying takes priority. Since i am usually working on something that gets me dirty or covered in paint or stain, I don't dress up much. My choice of dress has always been jeans and tshirt, or capris and in the summer I live in my sandals.
I have been working on a few projects at a time in the garage and hope to complete some of them soon. Hubby wants to store his motorcycle in the garage over the winter so I need to make room for that. When we buy a house in Ontario we are going to have to get a huge garage with half for him and half for me, and two sets of tools. (he never puts anything back in the right place) I am cutting back on my buying for now because the house and the basement is getting a little crowded, most of it is going back to Ontario with us so it has to stay, but there is the odd thing I can probably sell to make more room.
I discovered a new magazine and blog the other day that I love, if your like me and you love junk you have to check it out. The magazine is called Flea Market style and the blog is it is so nice to know that i am not the only crazy junk collector out there. Reading their blog makes me want to open up my store that much more, going to have to really work on that when we get back. If we ever get back to ontario, this contract seems to never end. I think in the spring we might look at me going back to Ontario and hubby flying back and forth on his time off. I miss my family and I really want a home of my own to play with.
My hubby does not share my love of junk but I am slowly bringing him around, he liked a lot of the things I showed him in the Flea Market magazine, so thats a start. I know he would let me do anything I want in the house but its his home too and i want him to love it too. He wants a man cave that he can decorate anyway he wants, this terrifies me but i might have to give in too it. And he wants to also design his half of the garage too, as a total control freak its going to be hard to let him to that, but like I said its his home too, so going to have to bite the bullet on those two spaces.
yesterday was spent cutting grass and cleaning up around the yard , and letting little Maggie play in her pool. Today I am going to try to get some work done on my projects,and get some stuff sold, I hope.

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