Friday, October 19, 2012

I am not just a coffee table

I love shopping in thrift stores and looking for those diamonds in the rough. You know those items that everyone else walks past, because they think it is junk. I can see past what the item is to what it can be.
I cart so many things home my neighbours must wonder where I put everything. I have learned to fit quite a bit in my little car.
This week I came home with lots of goodies, can't wait to get in the garage and make the magic happen lol
By Magic I mean by turning these discarded items into the beautiful pieces of furniture I know they can be
 Like this

I saw this table and fell in love, it is solid, trust me I stood on it to test it
The legs have a great design and I knew I could do something with it

Here is the coffee table with two coats of pure white Anne Sloan chalk paint, isn't she pretty
But even though the table looks so much better than it did when I brought it home, I am not done yet, it needs something more

And now the plain jane coffee table becomes a beautiful bench 
When I was looking for fabric for the bench this one called out to me
I think it looks stunning now, and at 5 feet long the bench has many uses
A hall bench, at the end of bed, extra seating in the living room or rec room

See what I mean about the cute legs, I distressed them a bit to bring out the details in them

And here she is again, isn't she pretty, thrift store coffee table + paint+foam+fabric = stunning bench

I have a couple of other projects on the go this weekend, remember that little desk and chair

I am giving it a makeover and trying to step out of my comfort zones where colours are concerned

Here is a peak at the fabric I chose for the chair,
 I figured the desk and chair are going to be going into a kids room,
 so they should be fun and bright
Will post pics when it is all done
Hope everyone had a great week, have a safe and happy weekend
Happy Picking Happy Painting
Maggie is sound asleep, she always sticks her tongue out when she sleeps, she is so cute


  1. What a gorgeous bench Tobey - LOVE IT!!!! The fabric is perfect - are you keeping this one?

  2. Thanks Suzy, No I am not keeping it, it is for sale. I have created a facebook page where I post my items for sale and I also post them on kijiji. I am not one of those skilled people that knows how to master a sewing machine. I sewed the fabric for the cushion on by hand and my fingers are still sore lol
