Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thrift Store and Flea Market Obsession

Well so much for cutting back on my Thrifty Finds

I had good intentions when I promised my hubby that I would start cutting back on my purchases. We know we are going to be moving back to Ontario within the next 6 months (we think, the company keeps extending the contract). And the garage is full of stuff that I need to paint and finish. I really do need to start clearing stuff out.
But.............. I think my fellow bloggers will agree, that it truly is an obsession and it is hard to walk away from good bargains and furniture that calls to you. Like these chairs I found today, I could not walk away from them. I knew with a little bit of TLC they would look great, and the price was too cheap to leave them behind.
 (I will just tuck them at the back of the garage and pretend they were already there lol ) sshhhh

I think with a paint job and some new fabric on the seats these chairs will look great. I love the look of them and I hope when they are finished someone else will too


And I found this little cutie at the flea market, got this at the end of the day for 5 bucks
love it



I saw these blue metal chairs at the flea market and had to have them. The pictures really do not do them justice, they are gorgeous. I am limited to what I can do and where I can put stuff in the yard (because we are renting). so for now they will join the rest of my collection. Until we move back to Ontario and I find them a permanent home

After this heat wave passes I promised hubby I will get back to painting and clear out some of my projects in the garage. And I sure hope when we move to Ontario we can find a garage with air conditioning. It has not been fun painting the last few weeks in this heat.  I think until the heat wave passes I like the idea of shopping in the air conditioned stores for now. Even poor lil Maggie is getting tired of the hot weather. Here she is trying to convince me that she should go swimming in the pond, the fish won't mind she says lol (I know what your thinking, she can't talk but she does communicate, and I spend 24 hours a day with her and I know what she is saying) no the heat has not fried my brain. Maggie is very smart and she is my buddy and trust me I know what she is thinking

Come on Mom let me go swimming with the goldfish

Maggie would also like to join Lucy and Ricky in the river, but bulldogs can't swim so that one is out too. Sorry Maggie your going to have to settle for your swimming pool for now.

poor little girl I think a trip to the beach where she can run in the water is definitely in the plans this weekend. Hope everyone is keeping cool, will post these chairs and the other ones I have been painting as soon as they are done.

Keep cool and have a great week, and welcome to my new followers. I am always flattered to have people join my blog. Glad you are here, please share your thoughts and your projects. I love to hear from you.



  1. I hear ya! I'm always telling myself that I must cut back, but I never follow through. There's always something calling my name and always another stray that finds its way into my garage until I can sell it. Your treasures are fabulous, I'd have a hard time walking away from them.

  2. Thank you so much Betsy for stopping by and thank you for your comments. I was good today, no yard sales no thrift stores, stayed home and worked on projects and painted. It is not easy though lol
    I could here the yard sales calling me.
