I have a bunch of stuff for sale online right now in my attempt to make more room in the garage. Alot of my thrifty finds are items that I buy with the intent to resell. I can't keep everything I find that would make me a hoarder. And as I keep telling my hubby I am not a hoarder because I do sell stuff. Hey its my story and so far he is buying it.
Believe it or not this is the garage cleaned up
I have the treadmill for sale and it is going hopefully by tomorrow
and the high chairs and table on the left and brass bed are also for sale
I don't just sell furniture sometimes I buy other things that I think I can flip for a quick sale and profit
The back of the garage is full of empty boxes and bins that we need to keep to repack some of our stuff to move back. They take up a lot of room but they are necessary so I work around them
I am still hunting for fabric for my white chair and the two farm chairs that are hanging will be painted and upholstered in the same fabric
After I finished cleaning the garage I worked on a few other small projects.
You saw in a previous post how the lampshades turned out, ooops
Apparently paint can not fix everything lol
The other small project I did was to make a small sign I have wanted to make for a while
I had this small plaque that said Welcome on it and I painted over it to make a new sign.
forgot to take a before pic
(must be my week for oopsy's)
I started with this print out of the font that I wanted
Then I traced the letters on to tracing paper and transferred them onto the wood after I had painted it white
Then I painted the letters by hand with black craft paint, I also wanted to add something to make the sign not so ordinary
I thought adding this skeleton to key to the sign would look good, but the weight of the key is too heavy and makes the sign lopsided when you hang it
So I am going to paint the key on the sign instead using the same procedure I used with the font, trace and paint
The hardware on top of the sign I took off a dollar store sign that I picked up for....wait for it... a dollar lol
I know the Q is a little quirky but thats ok so am I
key traced onto wood, yes there are holes in the wood but thats ok I want it to look like an old sign with some wear and tear, as you can see I have sanded the wood a bit and the letters to make it look at little worn
Now that the key is dry I will sand it and the rest of the piece one more time
Sign finished and hanging up
I love how this turned out and now that I know how easy it is I may do more signs
I have a larger board that I would love to make into a sign for my future home business
and I plan on painting Tobey's Trash or Treasure on it once I pick a font
I hope you enjoyed this post, it was a simple project and fun to do.
Anything you have been putting off?
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